‘Don’t take chances on AML checks – the risks are real’

    Richard Reed speaks to experts about the complacency around AML checks among agents amid increasing property fraud.

    Qualifications and training – RoPA is coming, so get ahead of the game

    Lisa Isaacs revisits RoPA and looks at what’s filling the gap while we wait for formal qualification requirements to arrive.

    Who’s making the moves in conveyancing?

    Lisa Isaacs talks to the people who are pushing to reconfigure the buying and selling process and finds it is gaining traction.

    Check this out

    Ask any letting agent what is their biggest headache and the chances are they will say “inventories”. Richard Reed talks to people who can take the pain away.

    Proptech for lettings – c’mon, get appy!

    As proptech finally takes hold in agencies across the UK, Lisa Isaacs looks at the latest app software and peers in the future of digital property management.

    Protect and survive

    As the financial squeeze on tenants gets ever tighter, landlords need a safety net. Richard Reed discusses rent guarantee policies with a panel of specialist insurers.

    Products & Services

    Focused features on new and developing products and services from companies supporting estate and letting agents.

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