My Auction founder launches faster ‘more transparent’ platform

New service reduces fall-throughs , speeds up transaction times, takes the stress out of buying and selling property and provides assurances earlier.

Stuart Collar-Brown, Assured Sales

My Auction founder Stuart Collar-Brown has launched Assured Sales as a faster, more secure and transparent way to sell homes by providing a comprehensive information pack, prepared by a solicitor, to the potential buyer before they make an offer.

The Assured Sales pack includes all the relevant documents (including searches) a buyer needs to make an informed decision about the property and allowing them to get finances in place and commit to making an offer.


Once an offer is accepted, the buyer and seller enter into an Assured Agreement which gives both parties exclusivity until exchange of contracts happens.

The buyer then pays 1.5% towards the purchase price (leaving 8.5% to pay on exchange) and the solicitors work together towards the agreed exchange date, potentially reducing the time between offer acceptance and exchange to weeks instead of months.

Each party also agrees to certain parameters, meaning that if one party decides to withdraw from the sale or purchase, both sides are protected from gazumping and gazundering.

This is a private treaty sales process which provides protection and security on both sides.”

Stuart Collar-Brown (main picture) told The Neg: “This is a private treaty sales process where both parties enter into an Assured Agreement which provides protection and security on both sides from either one simply changing their mind and withdrawing from the sale. As an auctioneer I’ve done 15 years with this and understand what works.


“With Assured Sales, we are taking two things that already exist and putting them together in a new way to help improve the current process and remove the pain points. By making small changes to the current process, we intend to make a huge difference to people’s lives and their experience of buying and selling a property. There has to be something that works for everyone.”

Collar-Brown plans to offer the packs through smaller independent estate agents from as little as £300 as well as a small membership and administration fee and will be working with Ackroyd Legal and Creative Legals to put the packs together.

Collar-Brown will continue to head up My Auction alongside Assured Sales.

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