New crackdown on landlords ‘must involve letting agents’ – claim
Propertymark says agents should be more involved in Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham's 'Good Landlord Charter'.
Propertymark supports a new crackdown on landlords in Manchester, but warns that letting agents must be more involved for it to be effective.
The city’s Mayor Andy Burnham (main picture) launched his initiative in January, saying it would target “untouchable” operators who refuse to maintain their properties properly.
Burnham said the health of tenants was “put at risk” by BTL investors who fail to spend money on the upkeep of their rentals.
Minimum standards
The Charter will be a voluntary programme for every type of landlord. Each will need to demonstrate that they are currently hitting the legal minimum standards of renting to become a member.
Landlords’ body the NRLA (National Residential Landlords Association) earlier welcomed the charter, but warned that it must be backed up with support for struggling rental operators.
Sign up
Now, Propertymark says letting agents must be able to sign up for the charter as well as those who operated PRS properties.
And it encouraged the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to raise awareness of funding opportunities like the Disabled Facilities Grants for landlords and property agents, to help disabled tenants access their homes.
Propertymark supports this initiative, but it is vital that letting agents are more involved.”
Tim Thomas, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Propertymark, says: “Propertymark supports this initiative, but it is vital that letting agents are more involved.
“They play a crucial role in helping landlords to comprehend and comply with their legal obligations, and ensuring that properties are safe to rent alongside assisting tenants with finding an appropriate property to rent.
Public face
“Agents also have a more public face than landlords, and there is a lot they can do to demonstrate that they are members of the Good Landlord Charter.”
They can display stickers on their windows proving that they are members, or promote their membership on social media, he says.
When are they launching the Good Tenant Charter? The one that says tenants will look after the fabric of the property asset (not fair wear and tear). All licensing does is add another layer of red tape, another charge levy and you guessed it – rents get to increase yet again. Rents are high as supply of property is low in the PRS and the local authority ecosystem too. Selling off local authority housing might have won Margarate Thatcher an election, but 37 years later … what a surprise there is not enough housing stock.
Maybe ban the sale of local authority property in the UK … not an election winner but it would help. Each council asset sold off costs 40% more to replace, sell off a propery at 200K it costs 280K to build a new one, no wonder so many councils have gone bust.