Ewemove offers redundant LSL staff free franchises and £24k loan
As hundreds of Your Move and Reeds Rains staff face losing their jobs, hybrid agency says it has agreed deal with parent company to finance franchise offer.
Hybrid agency Ewemove is offering estate agents made redundant by LSL’s recent restructure of its Your Move and Reeds Rains businesses the chance to join the company’s franchise network for free.
As The Negotiator reported yesterday, LSL have been closing and de-branding former branches within its network at breakneck speed and in one case gave staff just two days’ notice before shutting up shop.
Ewemove, which is part of The Property Franchise Group, is to waive its normal £1,995 franchise joining fee and offer an interest-free £24,000 business start-up loan to former LSL employees.
“Thanks to the backing of The Property Franchise Group we have created a package for those hit by the closures,” says Ewemove’s Managing Director Nick Neill (pictured, above).
“We’re genuinely sad that people’s livelihoods are at risk, but we believe we’ve come up with something extraordinary which will provide them with a great option to keep doing what they love.
“Never before has such a substantial financial package been available for any franchised brand operation.
“But we live in changing times and we believe in acting quickly and decisively. We feel entrepreneurial agents will see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to take control of their future and carve out a successful career in agency, running their own business but with the support of an industry giant.”
Interested former Your Move and Reeds Rains staff should contact Ewemove on 01274 888750 or email [email protected].