Milestone approval from landlords for client accounting proptech
Boss Garrett Foxon of Lettspay says the nod from the SAL comes after deals with The Guild of Professional Agents and the Federation of Independent Agents.
Client accounting platform LettsPay has been recognised by the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) – the largest membership organisation for landlords and letting agents in Scotland – as a key supplier for he country’s letting agents.
Garrett Foxon (main picture), LettsPay Chief Executive, says the nod from the SAL is the latest in a number of partnerships with industry networks such as The Guild of Property Professionals and the Federation of Independent Agents (FIA) with even more in the pipeline to be announced soon.
He adds: “The recognition and endorsement from the SAL follows our commitment to supporting letting agents and property managers north of the border with all of their client accounting needs.
“We have continued our investment and development in the LettsPay platform that recognises and handles the specific legislative requirements of the Scottish market.”
He adds: “We have been working with Scottish agents for over four years and our partnership with the SAL reinforces our position as the leading integrated payments, banking and client accounting solution.
“We deliver seamless automation, payments and compliant client accounting while dealing with the stringent requirements of both managing client accounts and membership of client money protection schemes.”
Claire Maclean, Lettspay Sales Director for Scotland, adds: “This is a fantastic endorsement that all of our hard work in meeting all of the regulatory requirements in Scotland have been met or exceeded.
“We already have many great clients in Scotland using LettsPay for all of their client accounting needs and we look forward to welcoming many more.”