New proptech launches claiming to unify needs of landlords, tenants and tradespeople

A new digital platform connecting landlords, renters and maintenance service providers has launched in an apparent UK first, claims founder.

RentOnCloud has become the UK’s first fully integrated platform to provide a comprehensive property management solution platform for landlords, tenants and maintenance service providers.

Founder, Rajiv Singh, claims that this is the only proptech out there that offers end-to-end property management for landlords, including accounting functionality, both landlord and tenant referencing and a portal for tradespeople to bid for work and receive payment direct via the secure platform.

“In these challenging times, everyone is looking at ways to reduce costs, save time, reduce overheads and find more efficient ways to manage their rental property portfolio,” says Rajiv. “There is a myriad of different software packages currently available for managing property, tasks and accounting, but not one single application that integrates productivity tools across the board.”

He adds: “We believe RentOnCloud is set to disrupt the Property Rental and Management market by fully enabling the digital transformation of activities.”

Flexibility for all users

RentOnCloud services are free to all tenants and single property landlords, who can list available properties, arrange viewings, source references and manage inventories. Rent collection is also facilitated via a payment gateway, and the platform allows for three-way maintenance and repair management between landlords, tenants and suppliers.

Landlords only incur limited costs for some services that require third party agency involvement such as tenant referencing and tradesmen can list their services and bid for work on the open marketplace, paying a service charge when any transactions are completed via the digital platform.

Tenants can search and apply for homes to rent and screen prospective landlords prior to rental and then use the platform to manage their deposit and rental payments and communicate with the landlord via the direct messaging and reporting function.

To fulfil compliance, RentOnCloud is registered as an online agent with The PRS (Ombudsman scheme), ICO (National Data Protection Authority), MyDeposit and partnered with various service organizations, credit bureau agencies, HM offices, Accountants and Tax agent.

With the supply of rental properties falling and an ever-increasing number of landlords are choosing to sell their property portfolios due to rising costs, this affordable platform could potentially be a deal-breaker.

Rajiv comments: “The rental market is tough for everyone right now. Landlords are being hit by rising costs, plus the looming increased frequency of reporting to HMRC.  Whilst tenants are limited by the lack of choice of properties to rent.

“There is therefore a clear need for a more cost effective, secure, unified service to meet the needs of landlords, tenants and maintenance service providers.”

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