Who’s your agent, Theresa? PM joins the ranks of landlord MPs
PM has been renting out her central London apartment that she owns with her husband Philip for more than £10,000 a year since August, parliamentary records show.
There’s an agent somewhere in central London with a very special client and looking after a property with very high political connections.
It has been revealed by Prime Minister Theresa May that she and her husband Philip have become landlords after deciding to rent out their central London apartment.
The information has come to light after the Prime Minister, who is the MP for Maidenhead in Berkshire, declared the interest within the latest update of Parliament’s Register of Financial Interests.
On 19th August the pair rented out their property in London, which unsurprisingly is worth more than £100,000 and generates more than £10,000 a year, the thresholds for property and rental income declarations by MPs.
Landlord MPs
Theresa May is not the only MP to join the House of Commons list of landlord MPs recently. Other MPs making the same declaration as the PM include Nigel Adams, MP for Selby & Ainsty, who has declared two rental properties in York, and Sarah Newton, MP for Truro & Falmouth, who has a rental property within her constituency.
Earlier this year it was revealed that almost one in five or 123 MPs are landlords including Chancellor Philip Hammond (pictured, left), Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and the speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow.
The Conservative Party has the greatest number of landlord at 87 or 28% of the party’s MPs, the research carried out earlier this year by FactCheck revealed, followed by Labour at 28 MPs and both the SNP and Lib Dems at three.
The figures are likely to be higher too – the Register of Financial Interests does not actively canvass MPs to declare properties and relies on their honesty alone, and many MPs may rent out properties that generate less than £10,000 a year.