TDS charity launches service to help report letting agents
Charitable arm of rental deposit scheme TDS says its website will link tenants to the best service if a letting agent is not looking after their property.
The charitable arm of a leading rental deposit service is to launch a national website that will help tenants to get property management issues sorted.
Most private renters have no idea who to turn to when complaining about a landlord or letting agent, says the TDS Charitable Foundation, which is connected to the deposit scheme of the same name.
It also reveals that its poll of some 2,000 tenants found widespread ignorance about how to get property management issues sorted – not surprising given the myriad organisations they could turn to from redress schemes to tribuanls and redress schemes.
Half of all tenants didn’t know where to start with a similar proportion saying they wanted better guidance and two thirds saying a dedicated website would be welcome.
Letting agent
Consequently, in consultation with tenant, landlord, letting agent and justice groups, the TDS Charitable Foundation is working to develop such a site.
The ‘My Housing Issue’ Gateway will provide a central location for tenants to understand where, and how, to direct concerns they might have regarding their rental property.
TDS Charitable Foundation says its initiative is needed ahead of the Renters (Reform) Bill becoming law, which will see a Decent Homes Standards, a housing ombudsman and dedicated redress scheme for landlords and a Property Portal all going live.
Dr Jennifer Harris (main picture, inset), Head of Policy and Research at TDS Group says: “The Renters (Reform) Bill will see the biggest shake up of the private rented sector for a generation.
“But it runs the risk of failing to achieve its objectives if tenants do not feel confident about where to go for help when things go wrong.
“New rights for tenants need to be matched by improved access to information about how to enforce them. Without this, the only winners will be the minority of landlords that are failing to provide safe housing.”