‘Rumble with the Agents’ needs knockout property agent boxers!
Paul Shamplina of Landlord Action is raising funds for charity Inclusion Barnet which provides support for people with disabilities.
This year ‘Rumble with the Agents’, the hugely popular annual white-collar charity boxing event hosted by Landlord Action and sponsored by Hamilton Fraser, is fundraising for Inclusion Barnet, a charity which provides vital support for people with disabilities.
Paul Shamplina set up the event six years ago and runs it with his wife Rita, now he’s looking for ten individuals from the property sector to try their hand at boxing.
You need to sign up by 7th February to join this free, fully structured and supervised boxing training program to ensure optimum physical fitness and teach participants the correct techniques will be provided by JA Boxing in north London.
Participants are not required to have any previous experience, just a desire to learn a new skill, get fit in three months and support an excellent local charity.
Inclusion Barnet is a Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation (DDPO), which means that their staff and trustees have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and long-term conditions. They use their lived experience to raise awareness and educate society about the barriers faced by disabled people and how people can work together to remove those barriers. Those living with disability often find it very hard to access to the services and resources they need to help them live the life they want to live, which is where Inclusion Barnet provides vital support.
“I’ve been a keen boxer for many years. Boxing not only helps me keep fit, it’s a stress reliever, motivator, confidence builder and has taught me discipline. I know an increasing number of boxing clubs are doing an outstanding job to ensure that the experiences they offer are fully inclusive, and that is why we feel that this year’s charity is a perfect fit for Rumble with the Agents 2020.”
As before, the evening will consist of five fights, which will be three two-minute rounds each, a sit down three-course meal, charity auction and raffle.
The event, which so far has raised a total of £93,000 for various charities, is open to agents, property professionals, suppliers and landlords and will take place on Thursday 21st May 2020, at Holiday Inn, Avenue Banqueting, 58 Regents Park Road, London, N3 3JN.
To find out more, volunteer to take part, buy tickets or donate something for the raffle/ auction please email Rita Shamplina on [email protected] or call 07790 569501.
Tickets to attend ‘Rumble with the Agents’ are now on sale (www.rumblewiththeagents.co.uk).