Precision Connects
From our extensive database of millions of profiled contacts, you can home in households that fit your perfect profile customer. Just a sold a property in a local street, use our sold on your street data search to customise already designed templates to send out to just houses that are listed on that street. Want to run a "Help To Buy" campaign for a local development and want to focus on just social and private renters within a 5 mile radius, use our easy to use filtering tools to target renters only. Want to use your own artwork? Just upload into our fully automated workflow. We but over 5,000,000 lines of GDPR friendly, personalised and profiled data every year to make buying data in small amounts affordable. We own our own printing presses and our mailing house sends over 40 million items each year to deliver fabulous postal discounts. We buy well and we automate the process so that you can order as many or as little as you need without paying for the privilege. Why no register today for free, or call us for a free demonstration.