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UKALA switches redress provider after review
Members of the UK Association of Letting Agents (UKALA) will soon have to update their window stickers, websites and stationary with a new redress scheme provider, it has been announced. Following a review UKALA says it is not renewing its contract with Ombudsman Services: Property (OS:P) which has been its provider since April 2014, and has instead signed up with the Property Redress Scheme (PRS). The new service will kick off from 1st January next year while new or renewing UKALA agents have had access to the new scheme since early October. Ongoing cases being handled by OS:P will continue “until the matter has been resolved,” it says. UKALA says it undertook a review of services and based on UKALA executive director Richard Price’s desire to “secure the best service and value for our members” the switch was made following a review. The association makes a big play of its property redress scheme provision, calling it a ‘key benefit’ of membership and giving both tenants and landlords the right to impartial independent redress if their agent fails to resolve a complaint. “We have written to all members to inform them of the change, and we’ve outlined the steps that members in…
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The benefits of belonging
It is perfectly possible to run a property business without belonging to a professional or trade body, however, if you take the truly independent road, just how much support and inspiration are you missing out on?
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Associations & Bodies
Question time
Have you ever wanted to collar the industry’s leaders and get stuck into a decent debate about the challenges and future of the industry? Nigel Lewis puts them to the test.
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Associations & Bodies
The competitive edge
Sheila Manchester met UKALA, a professional body that offers letting agents some unique benefits.
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