3,000 homes deal – so is this one of Labour’s first ‘new town’?
Deal is signed for huge newbuild housing development and new town centre at Northstowe near Cambridge.
A deal has been signed for 3,000 new homes in Britain’s largest new town currently under development.
The announcement comes just days after the new Labour government launched a major new housing programming – pledging to build 1.5 million new homes – along with a promise to build more new towns.
Half of the new homes in Northstowe, near Cambridge, will be affordable housing, ensuring that local people have access to quality housing to rent or buy.
A new town centre will also be created, providing local people and businesses with up to 50,000 square metres of commercial floorspace including shops, workspace and community facilities.
Former RAF base
Northstowe is being developed on and around the site of the former RAF Oakington air base, and is already home to roughly 3,000 people in 1,400 homes.
The town also includes primary and secondary schools, a park-and-ride facility linking the town to the city of Cambridge, a sports centre, water parks, miles of bridleways and cycle lanes, and other facilities such as a community centre, playgrounds and allotments.
Another primary school, a sixth form college and a second sports facility are currently under construction.
The deal for the new tranche of properties has been signed by Homes England, Keepmoat and Capital&Centric.
‘Exciting time to deliver UK’s newest town’
Tim Wray, Group Development Director at Keepmoat said: “It’s an incredibly exciting time to be involved in delivering the UK’s newest town.
“Working closely with Capital&Centric and Homes England, we know this collaboration will deliver transformational change at Northstowe, building on the significant infrastructure Homes England has delivered to date n the scheme.
Northstowe has all the makings of an exemplar ‘new town’.”

John Moffat, joint managing director at Capital&Centric, added: “Northstowe has all the makings of an exemplar new town, with inclusive community facilities and the sustainable new homes the UK so badly needs.
“We’ve honed our craft delivering imaginative regeneration of towns and cities, with an acute focus on both social impact and award-winning design.
“We can’t wait to get stuck in, working with the burgeoning community to deliver a green town centre that gives Northstowe its own standout identity.”