Landlord hit with £52,000 fine for ‘serious safety breaches’
Liverpool HMO landlord and his company were given a huge fine after they failed to complete repairs or appear in court.
RA Property Ltd and its director Sheikh Ryhan Allen Miah have been fined £52,000 by Liverpool Magistrates Court for 23 safety-related offences under HMO Management Regulations.
Both the company and director failed to attend the hearing but had previously pleaded guilty.
At its conclusion, SRA Property Ltd was handed fines totalling £37,973.43, and company director Sheikh Ryhan Allen Miah was given fines totalling £13,991.14.
The breaches included defective fire detection equipment, defective fire doors, serious trip hazards, as well as other disrepairs that were discovered during inspections at two properties in West Liverpool in September 2023.
Extremely serious
The judge described the breaches as ‘extremely serious’ and said the director financially benefited from the properties yet failed to maintain basic safety measures.
Prior to the conviction, the company and the director were served with an enforcement notice but failed to take the opportunity to carry out the required remedial works.
Bad landlords ruin lives and damage communities”.
It’s the 33rd successful prosecution by Liverpool City Council for poor property conditions this year, with landlord fines totalling £342,584 and another 11 Civil Penalty Notices generating fines of £59,862.50.

Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Sam East “I’m delighted with this outcome. Bad landlords ruin lives and damage communities.
“The City Council is determined to ensure all tenants in privately rented homes are safe and this case, and others from this year, highlight our commitment. This result sends a clear message to negligent landlords who put tenants’ health and safety at risk that their malpractice will not be tolerated.”
Pictures courtesy of Liverpool Council.