Intelligent Services Group raise thousands for Action for Children

ISG fundraising image

Intelligent Services Group (ISG), the parent company of IAM Sold, The Conveyancing Partnership and Medway Law, raised £4,464.00 for Action for Children, following various fundraising events throughout 2017.

Action for Children is a UK children’s charity committed to helping vulnerable and neglected children and young people, and their families, throughout the UK.

ISG raised the money in a variety of ways including participating in the Byte Night sleep out, a “Bake-Off” style cake and pastry sale, as well as a Christmas jumper day where staff each paid £1 to the cause to wear their festive outfits.

Ben Ridgway, Managing Director of ISG, said, “We encourage staff to participate in fundraising activities and we’re proud of their efforts in raising so much for such a worthy cause. Many of our employees have families and young children of their own, so were very happy to try and help those less fortunate. We hope that the money raised will in some way help to improve the lives of some of Britain’s most vulnerable children.”

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