Fines for letting agents and rogue landlords increase by £500,000
London councils have handed down the increased fines over the past three months, with the total now surpassing £8.6 million reports platform Kamma.
Fines for agents and rogue landlords have increased by half a million pounds in the last three months, with the total now surpassing £8.6 million in London alone.
And the 50% increase in enforcement rates puts 2023 on track to be the biggest year on record on enforcement, nearly doubling the fines recorded in 2022.
Already more than six out of 10 London councils (66%) operate at least one selective or additional licensing scheme as post pandemic enforcement increases and that number is set to increase.
Research from geospatial technology business Kamma, the only company to track the Mayor of London’s Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker to analyse enforcement data, also reveals that in the last three months, the total value of fines for letting agents and landlords has increased by more than half a million – from £8,157,745 in December (2022) to £8,668,895 in April 2023.
Since the start of 2023, Kamma has reported an average increase of more than £167,000 in fines every month.
This month, Camden council continues to top the council enforcement list in terms of the number of cases brought forward, followed closely by Newham and Waltham Forest.
Yet, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham still has the highest average value of fines per case at £19,800.
The increase in fines is largely due to increased enforcement efforts seen across the council and capital. Eight new licensing schemes have launched so far this year, with at least five more planned to start in the coming quarter.

Kamma Chief Executive Orla Shields says: “Every month, Kamma reports a new record increase in fines and enforcement seen in the private rented sector.
“The start of 2023 is no different with an increase of half a million pounds in fines seen in just three months suggesting that 2023 might become the biggest year on record for fines.”
And they wonder why rents are going up. Another 1000 Landlords packing up as they read this.