Free property management for 50 landlords in East Midlands
A letting agent in the East Midlands is offering free property management to landlords to celebrate 10 years in business.
An East Midlands-based letting agent is offering landlords free property management to mark a decade in business.
The attractive deal is available to the first 50 new landlords who let up to two properties through Fairview Estates in West Bridgford, Nottingham, and sign up before 31 May. Usual property management fees of 8% plus VAT will be axed for the first 10 months, saving landlords over £600 on average per property.
Founder, Aaron Cambden,said: “With a look to the future, we’re planning to concentrate on growing our portfolio of properties and landlords. We practice with an innovative approach and so we utilise a number of different technical and marketing styles in order to help tenants and landlords find each other.”
Encouraging buy-to-let investment?
As figures released by ARLA Propertymark reveal, the East Midlands had the second highest number of new tenants per branch in February and the latest data from the ONS shows that property in the region costs £36,454 less than the UK-average. Fairview Estates hopes that these findings, combined with their offer of free property management, will attract more investment from prospective landlords in the local property market.
With a plan to develop their presence in Leicestershire and Derbyshire as well as build on their current property sourcing services, the letting agent is hoping to be able to guide more landlords through the investment and provide property management over the long term.
To benefit from the free property management offer, landlords must sign a contract between now and 31 May and quote the promotional code, FAIRVIEW10.
Fairview Estates is a local, independent letting agent which was founded by Aaron Cambden and Rob Piticks in 2011 and has let over 1,000 properties in that time. Based in West Bridgford, Nottingham, the company currently serves Arnold, Beeston, Carlton, Grantham, Mansfield, Sherwood, Newark, Ruddington, West Bridgford and Wollaton.