Dinner invite to estate agency seniors issued by leading industry duo
A leading estate agency duo are inviting sales and letting agency owners and director to their latest social gathering in central London.
The ‘Baldock brothers’ who are Matt and Neil Baldock of Chelmsford, Essex estate agency Charles David Casson are organising the £55-a-head gathering, say all comers are welcome whether traditional or ‘self-employed’ model agency seniors.
Called The Estate Agency Directors Club it hosts gatherings this time at the Waterloo, London Wellington Hotel.
They promise that the evening is entirely a networking event with good food and drink and ‘no suppliers, speeches or sales pitches’.
This formula has been tried and tested by the Baldocks in the past, with the most recent gathering in the Spring (pictured) in London.
Matt Baldock says: “The idea behind starting this dinner was for agency owners to relax and unwind with people in a similar position, and for a safe space to discuss any issues they were facing.
“We get twenty to thirty people each month and it has evolved into a real community of likeminded owners who are more than happy to share ideas and support each other.
Real bonds
“Some real bonds have been created and people have definitely increased their business levels through ideas they have taken away.”
In May 2021 the Baldocks launches their own hybrid ‘property partners scheme. They also hold a Fine & Country franchise.
Tickets for the latest event include a three-course meal and can be bought by emailing [email protected]
Watch Christopher Watkins’ interview with the brothers earlier this year.