Legal expert on the hunt for growing number of PRS laws
List being compiled by Tessa Shepperson shows agents and landlords must contend with nearly 100 laws, and counting.
One of the rental sector’s best-known legal figures, Tessa Shepperson, is compiling a definitive list on her blog of all the laws that affect letting agents and landlords.
Shepperson has called it The Landlord Law Blog Landlords’ Legislation List. The exact number has been a hotly debated topic for some years with some going as high as 400 laws but she hopes to clear up for once and all how much legislation landlords really have to contend with and hopes it will be a useful public resource.
Tessa Shepperson, says: “I have often seen references to the number of laws that landlords have to comply with, but this never seems to be backed up with an actual list. So I have decided to create my own on my Landlord Law Blog.”
“So far there are 96 laws on the list but it is still growing. I am sure I have missed things out, so I am inviting readers to let me know any which are missing. Hopefully, together, we can create a really useful and informative page.”
I am inviting readers to let me know any which are missing.”
As reported in The Neg, the growing burden of red tape is driving more and more landlords to use letting agents rather than going it alone.
Tessa Shepperson is a solicitor and runs the popular Landlord Law membership site (which has been online for over 20 years), as well as her blog, the Landlord Law Blog.