Sadiq Khan pushes for ‘open’ National Rogue Landlord Database
London’s Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker has been used 388,000 times since 2017 and the Property Licence Checker accessed 125,000 times since 2020.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has urged the government to come good on its promise to roll out a National Rogue Landlord Database after figures revealed the capital’s checkers have been viewed 128,000 times in the last year alone.
The Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker is a database that ‘names and shames’ landlords and lettings agents who have been successfully prosecuted or have faced civil enforcement action for housing offences.
Meanwhile the Property Licence Checker allows Londoners to find out if their rental property is properly licensed.
Some 6,000 Londoners have now reported concerns about their rental property through the Mayor’s Report a Rogue tool.
Renters who find their landlord is at fault could be due a refund of up to 12 months’ rent – over £28,000 based on current average advertised rents.
Private renters deserve a decent home at an affordable price, let from a fair and honest landlord.”
Sadiq Khan says: “London’s 2.6 million private renters deserve a decent home at an affordable price, let from a fair and honest landlord. The fact that my online tools to root out unscrupulous behaviour of landlords have been used hundreds of thousands of times is a sad indictment of the state of the London rental sector.
“We’re doing everything we can in London, but we also need the Government to step up. This must include creating the long-promised National Rogue Landlord Database, properly funding borough enforcement teams and increasing the fines for landlords who break the rules.”
David Beach, Director of Enforcement at the London borough of Waltham Forest, adds: “Information on the Checker detailing enforcement actions undertaken by other local authorities is invaluable in supporting the administration and enforcement of Waltham Forest’s large-scale property licensing schemes.”