Secure messaging system launches for estate agents
Tappter has rolled out its 'safe' system for estate agents and the wider property sector offering users better communications between teams, buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants and partners.
Secure instant messaging platform Tappter has rolled out its system to estate agents and the wider property sector offering users better communications between teams, buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants and partners.
The Tappter app and web portal eliminates the security and compliance risks of team members using personal messaging accounts for work purposes.
Three specific features for agents include ID verification, document sharing/signing capability and Community Group management.
Tappter has partnered with Yoti to offer digital ID functionality and uses facial recognition technology to ensure app users are providing genuine details, verified by government-issued ID.
Agents using Tappter gain access to an online dashboard where they can set up and manage multiple communications channels with complete transparency of all current and historical conversations.
Each element of the channel and user set up process can be tailored to align with specific business processes or structures – with options to create channels for properties, teams and partners such as maintenance teams or finance specialists.
Once users are set up on Tappter, property businesses and their customers can communicate via instant message. All messages and shared media are saved on the platform making them searchable by property businesses and their customers at any time.
With Tappter agents can prove they are putting the customer first.”

Keith Banwaitt, who co-founder Tappter in 2016, says: “We believe it provides property businesses with a safe and secure way to tap into the instant messaging revolution.
“With Tappter, agents can prove they are putting the customer first – giving them an element of control in how and when they share messages and information.
“At the same time, we are also helping agents eliminate communication delays, improve compliance, enhance team performance, boost reputations and streamline costs.”