Get the message? Tappter is here
Tappter is a new secure instant messaging platform designed to change the way estate agents manage communications between teams, buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants and partners.
The Tappter app and web portal combine to offer agents an instant messaging solution – eliminating the security and compliance risks of team members using personal messaging accounts for work purposes. Access is via an online dashboard where they can set up and manage multiple channels with complete transparency of all current and searchable historical conversations.
Once users are set up on Tappter, agents and clients can communicate via instant message. Features include ID verification, document sharing/signing capability and community group management.
To support increased security, Tappter has partnered with Yoti to offer digital ID functionality. This solution uses facial recognition (see Yoti feature) technology to ensure app users are providing genuine details, verified by government-issued ID.
This digital-first approach eliminates the need for any manual checking of hard copy documents. By using Tappter to share sales or leasing documentation and collect digital signatures remotely – agents can see exactly when messages and documents have been seen and signed.
Agents can also use the channel-building functionality to design and manage their own communities.