TDS and OpenBrix reveal major proptech launch with renting app

The tlyfe app is available exclusively to TDS customers free of charge and will make renting easier for agents and tenants.

tylfe launch tds openbrix

Challenger portal OpenBrix and deposit scheme TDS have today launched a tenant lifecyle app which, it is claimed, will pioneer a new way for agents to improve tenants’ renting experience.

Called tlyfe, the UK-first app has been in development for many months and will be the first smartphone app to offer an inquiry to checkout ‘lifecycle service’.

To ensure the app is aligned with government policy, many of the features have been developed following discussions with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing  and Communities (DLUHC), the two organisations reveal.

Features of the app include verified digital ID and right-to-rent checks, at the click of a button, a low-cost tenant loan solution providing flexibility around their finances, an interactive move-in process, and auto document storage.

The TDS tie-up also means that the entire deposit protection process can also be managed via the app.

In addition to these features, tlyfe can also help tenants build their credit rating. The app keeps an ongoing digital record of all rental payments, and provided they are paid on time, tlyfe can help to build a tenant’s credit score by allowing tenants to add these payments to their rental histories.

The app is available exclusively to TDS customers free of charge and is the second tech launch following its investment in OpenBrix announced back in August, which saw former Countrywide boss John Hards appointed as chairman.

Adam Piggott (pictured), Chief Executive Officer at OpenBrix and a former agent, says: “Thanks to this unique collaboration with industry leader TDS, the release of tlyfe will make a real difference to tenants and give them a huge advantage when managing their rentals.”

Find out more about tlyfe .

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