MOVO makes a move

Fast-growing residential lettings company Monkey vs Owl (MOVO) has expanded its online platform to provide a national service for property landlords.
The Derby-based company was launched in 2017 and initially focused on marketing and managing local properties aimed at young professionals and students. The web platform was designed to take the hassle out of renting and also connect tenants with their cities via a city guide curated with information and special offers on local amenities and businesses.
This initiative saw Monkey vs Owl receive the ‘Highly Commended’ mark of recognition in the ‘New Agency of the Year’ category at The Negotiator Awards 2019. Monkey vs Owl has now invested to further develop the capabilities of its dynamic web platform – providing an even more seamless link between landlords and tenants, while increasing the remit of their service to nationwide.
This new platform enables landlords to easily take control of their property management and market them to prospective tenants online. The fees start from as little as £3 per listing per week and, unlike with traditional letting agencies, landlords keep 100 per cent of the rent.
Sales Director James Lomas explained, ““Our plan was always to broaden our services across the UK and we have invested heavily to expand the capabilities of our online platform and continue our ethos of taking the hassle out of renting both for landlords and tenants.
“This platform is designed to be accessible to everyone. It effectively puts the power back into the hands of landlords – enabling them to quickly upload property details and have direct access to prospective tenants.
“Alongside this, we are building our unique city guides across the UK – recognising that many of these properties attract students and young professionals who are new to the area and want to feel part of the local community.”