Fine & Country Jersey
Luxurious new headquarters have been created for Fine and Country Jersey.

Margaret Thompson, who heads the team with Rebecca Sokrati, said that Fine and Country previously operated from a small office above Thompson Estates; “We have become increasingly busy during the past few years so a decision was taken to move to larger premises which became available next door”.
The space has been designed to meet every client’s needs with a state-of-the art reception office at street level and confidential meeting facilities on the first floor. Help was provided by interior designers, while the fit-out was undertaken by Jersey interior specialists, Lotheringtons.
Fine and Country Jersey has this year won awards for ‘Best Customer Service’ and ‘Overall Best Agency’ at the 2020 Fine & Country conference.
‘Our clients could choose any destination so we look at promoting Jersey as well as its lifestyle,” said Margaret. “Fine & Country Jersey provides a complete concierge service for those considering moving to the Island. We meet clients at the Airport, and take them on a tour of the Island.”