‘Insta-agents’ will never rival traditional ones say leading prime players

Gary Hersham and Jeremy Gee claim their prime and super-prime clients never use social media due to privacy fears.

hersham gee beauchamp

Two of the world’s best-known traditional prime property estate agents have given The Negotiator their candid views on the rise of ‘Insta-agents’.

Gary Hersham and Jeremy Gee of Beauchamp Estates, who are to feature in a full-length interview in The Negotiator magazine next week, say they have been watching the rise of social media-based prime agents who have massive followings and are often called Insta-agents, the most famous of which is Daniel Daggers.

Gee and Hersham say this new kind of agent has a place in the industry but that they will not make serious inroads into the prime market.

Both make the point that agents in their sector are all about adding value with a plethora of services whether it be finding a butler, cook or security team, something social media agents will struggle to match.

Social media

Gee is also suspicious of the claims made by Insta-agents on their social media feeds – ‘don’t believe everything you read’ – and points out that the thousands of people who look at their photos and videos are not target customers of Beauchamp.

“Most people we deal with would never consider using an Insta-agent,” says Gee.

“Beauchamp has been around for 40 years and I’ve been in the business for 36 years and Gary for even longer.

“It’s about trust – I have people who I sold to when I was 20 years old who are still my clients now.

Gary Hersham adds: “They want to deal with someone they can trust, who has a grounding in business and a good professional and personal reputation. I don’t think that will change.”

Read more about ‘Insta-agents’.

Read the full interview in the April issue of The Negotiator, including Hersham and Gee’s latest news, view on AML and what makes them similar – but very different – to other agents.

One Comment

  1. 100pc agree
    Ive been at it for 48 years next month and now selling to 3rd and 4th generation clients

    These modern ways have their place but experience will win over in the long term
    3-4 years ago they suggested over 50% of sale would be “on line” where is that prediction now

    So many of the start up web based agents have come and gone…. and sorry where is Sarah Beeny now ?

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