Landlords ‘left up in air by government dithering’ on EPCs
The trade body for energy professionals has accused the Government of being unclear about when minimum EPC rating rules will apply.
Landlords are suffering from government “dithering”, and a lack of clear decisions on EPC ratings, according to the trade body for energy professionals.
The Property Energy Professionals Association (PEPA) reacted to comments from housing secretary Michael Gove that the Government should “relax the pace” landlords are being forced to comply with EPC rules.
Gove said ministers are “asking too much too quickly” of landlords, after setting a deadline of 2028 for new EPC regulations.
It is proposed that landlords must ensure that their properties hold a minimum EPC standard rating of C or higher by 2028, or face fines of up to £30,000.
“The apparent dithering on this issue is not helping any party involved in improving the energy efficiency of the private rented sector to help address the issue of fuel poverty, and exorbitant energy prices,” PEPA says.
PEPA agrees with NRLA that the Government could ease the pressure on landlords by giving them a fair financial package to meet minimum EPC standards.
By doing this, PEPA says, it would separate the EPC issue from other disincentives to landlords such as rocketing mortgage rates and PRS reforms.
Six out of 10 landlords would rather sell their properties than improve their EPC ratings, latest research from Green Building Renewables revealed this week.
Up in the air

Andrew Parkin, chair at PEPA, says: “The hiatus caused by the lack of clarity on the implementation date of a minimum EPC rating of ‘C’ has left landlords up in the air in terms of when, and to what extent, to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
“Similarly, energy assessors, retrofit advisors, energy efficiency measure installers and manufacturers are unable to plan for the future, which is adversely affecting their businesses.”