Proptech firm is in ‘enviable’ position due to Covid… as it’s given £2 million more
Four-year-old Canopy has now burned through £8 million developing and marketing its service to tenants, landlords and letting agents.
Rental proptech platform Canopy has secured a further £2 million from investors in just 48 hours, scotching rumours that investors had been getting cold feet about technology during the Covid pandemic.
London-based Canopy has now raised £10 million in total to fund the creation of its service, which uses Open Banking technology to offer landlords and letting agents a free tenant screening service and a low-cost referencing platform.
Renters are offered both a free rental passport via its smartphone app and a rent tracking service that enables tenants to improve their credit score by paying their rent on time.
Its platform also offers agents the opportunity to distribute Canopy’s alternative deposits product and, it claims, onboard tenants quicker.
Canopy was established in 2016 and says it is currently in an ‘enviable position’ as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic because there is now a global need to digitise processes and practices that have long been due an overhaul, including renting properties.
The proptech firm says it intends to use the latest funding to both bolster its sales team and invest in emerging technologies and rich data sources available through Open Banking to upgrade its tenant screening product.
Tahir Farooqui (left), Canopy’s founder and CEO, says: “Renters have been historically undeserved by both the financial services as well as the lettings sector.
“Our mission is to power financial resilience for renters around the world with the goal of reducing household costs for millions of rental households.”
All signs are that investment in commercially viable proptech companies is increasing due to the realisation that ‘work’ in real estate looks to be a very different model due to the lessons forced by the pandemic. With many industries scaling back their physical presence and digitally automating processes, real estate is at last succumbing to the inevitable, economic automation.
In what is going to be a leaner market, companies who are efficient will be more profitable, just as video conferencing has hit over 300 million users a day, technology sometimes can be a tsunami of change rather than a simple drip drip of water over time.