Can Robert’s Rummage4 deliver on its revolutionary promise?
The long-awaited game-changer property search platform is live after years of development. We profile its colourful creator Robert May.
After many years of almost obsessive devotion to his alternative property search platform for agents, Rummage4, the 58-year-old proptech original has now released his creation to an expectant industry.
Originally an estate agent during the 1980s, a sales consultant for CFP Software during the 1990s and then its sales director from 1991 onwards, he has been a consultant to the property industry since 2007 while quietly developing Rummage4.
He’s also gained infamy for calling out agents who ‘portal juggle’ or who are creative when reporting their instruction-to-sales conversion rates, and in particular Purplebricks.
But while other proptech outfits have been lavishly funded with venture capital cash, May’s journey has so far largely been a ‘bootstrap’ operation.
Nevertheless, May has now set his platform live and is signing up his initial set of agents who are able to link their Rummage4 ‘showcase’ pages from the portals, including most recently Boomin.
Unlike the other portals, is enables agents to add a ‘Showcase’ button to their listing, something May’s key client Ryder & Dutton already does.
This links to a page ‘showcasing’ the property on the Rummage4 website which enables agents to significantly enhance their performance on Google search.
This might seem like small beer, but it’s a rare case of a well-known portal allowing agents to clearly link to a third-party proptech platform from their listings – and is key to May’s platform gaining traction.
“I’m immensely proud that that we’ve proved those who said it wasn’t possible to build a platform like this wrong and when people understand Rummage4, they appreciate what we have overcome,” he says.
Read Richard Henderson’s in-depth interview with May.