Estate agents and suppliers join forces to raise money for Ukraine

Fundraising imageA year on from raising over £16,000 for the mental health charity, Mind, a group of over 40 industry figures have embarked on a physical challenge to raise money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

During May, colleagues in the property sector either ran 100km, walked 150km or cycled 250km.

Alex Willis (team captain), Director at GOTO Group commented, “Using exercise as the vehicle to fundraise provides vital physical and mental benefits to those involved and the motivation and camaraderie that is generated from the team Whatsapp group keeps everyone pushing for more miles and more money.”

Spencer Lawrence, Lettings Director at Paramount, added, “With so much going on in the world, it can be overwhelming to decide which causes to support. What stands out about Miles for Ukraine for me is the community element. There’s a lot of encouragement and motivation between us, and it feels like we’re accomplishing something together.

Funds continue to be raised and you can donate at

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