Knight Frank launches proptech portal for buyers and sellers
The consultancy says My Knight Frank will enable clients to track transactions including viewing and it is planning a similar service for landlords and tenants as well.
Knight Frank has launched a digital customer portal which it says gives property buyers and sellers ‘a unique service’.
Called ‘My Knight Frank’, the firm says it is a digital ‘customer experience’ platform, which will allow its clients to access documentation, research and other services.
In the initial phase, buyer and vendor focused features have gone live. Tenant and landlord journeys will follow in the summer of this year and next year respectively, the estate agency says.
Real time
Vendor clients can now manage all the necessary documentation to get their property to market, and see real time updates on viewings and offers they have received.
And buyers can now receive tailored property alerts, including privately available properties which are not listed online, all in one place.
They are also able to update their requirements, arrange viewings and share their feedback.
The new service is integrated with ‘hub’, the firm’s sales database.
Every step

Tim Hyatt, Head of Residential at Knight Frank, says: “After 18 months in the making I am delighted to see [this] come to life – for our vendors it means they can stay informed at every step of their sale, and for our buyers it is the perfect property search tool.
From today our buyer and vendor clients have all their property information at their fingertips.”
“My Knight Frank is a best-in-class digital experience that complements our human touch – we will always be a people first business – however we firmly believe this bespoke platform gives us a competitive advantage,” he says.
“From today our buyer and vendor clients have all their property information at their fingertips, which in turn allows our agents to have more insightful conversations – ultimately adding greater value.”
Knight Frank strikes deal with innovative valuations proptech