Letting agency featured on Channel 4 documentary expelled by ombudsman
Manchester firm Property Solutions GB Ltd has failed to pay a TPO award to a disgruntled landlord and is now trading illegally.
A letting agency featured in a Channel 4 documentary about tenants on housing benefit has been expelled from The Property Ombudsman (TPO) and is now trading illegally.
Property Solutions GB is based at a branch in Cheetham Hill, Manchester and featured in the 2016 TV series ‘Britain’s Benefit Tenants’ about the challenges of the city’s lettings market.
The company has now been kicked out by The Property Ombudsman after a landlord complained to it about the company’s service, including not responding promptly to queries or providing evidence of charges for repairs and other works made to properties.
During the TPO investigation Property Solutions GB failed to cooperate and provided no evidence to counter the landlord’s claims.
The landlord was awarded £2,767 by TPO including £575 in recognition of the avoidable and undue aggravation they suffered.
But the letting agency has so far failed to respond or pay the award and has now been expelled.
“An agreement between the two Government-approved redress schemes means Property Solutions GB will not be able to register for any form of redress until the award is paid,” says TPO.
The business is experiencing difficulties in other parts of operations too. TPO says it has no accounts with Zoopla or Rightmove nor is it a member of any professional organisation. Also, its business accounts are overdue according to records at Companies House.
“As a member of TPO agents are obliged to comply with awards made by the Ombudsman, which Property Solutions GB has failed to do,” says Gerry Fitzjohn, Chair of TPO’s Finance & Performance Committee (left).
“Consumers should be aware that the company’s website still appears to be active with properties both ‘For Sale’ and ‘To Let’ advertised.”