Nearly half of landlords denied access for safety checks
Agents and landlords have a legal requirement to make sure that their tenants are safe but compliance can be difficult if access is denied.
Landlord Action is issuing a reminder to landlords of the importance of carrying out annual gas safety checks.
Gas Safety Week began yesterday and although the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II means normal promotional activity is not taking place Landlord Action says it’s still imperative that landlords ask tenants for access to their properties so the potentially life saving checks can be carried out.
Worryingly a recent survey from the group revealed nearly half of landlords have, at some point, been denied access to carry out checks – but they will still carry the can if disaster strikes.
All landlords renting properties with gas appliances have a legal duty to have a gas safety inspection carried out each year by a Gas Safe registered engineer. A copy of the gas safety certificate must then be issued to the tenants.
When tenants continually deny access, it becomes a real problem.”
Paul Shamplina (main picture), founder of Landlord Action, says: “Gas safety checks are not only a landlord’s legal obligation, but they are also imperative to ensuring the safety of the property and the tenants living there. Of course, sometimes it comes down to when is convenient, but when tenants continually deny access, it becomes a real problem.”
Landlord Action is currently in the process of putting forward a case for introducing a discretionary ground for possession of unreasonably refusing landlords access for inspections. This would help give landlords the necessary authority when requesting access.
Shamplina adds: “As the market evolves and the balance of power shifts towards the tenant, landlords are contacting us with increasingly complex legal challenges, which are likely to broaden in the future as the sector reforms. We already offer access injunctions to complete gas safety checks and are currently looking at what other support landlords may need.”