Only a quarter of landlords care about EPCs when investing
Research by The Mortgage Lender shows more pressing matters high on landlords minds including mortgage rates, yields and location.
Energy efficiency is almost as important as rental yield to landlords considering new property investment, research has shown.
A quarter (25%) of landlords are prioritising energy efficiency, according to a survey by The Mortgage Lender (TML).
And just over a quarter (29%) are looking at the rental yield as a main consideration.
This comes despite the Government’s rollback on energy efficiency targets for BTL properties last year, which means landlords have until 2028 to comply.
Landlords are also taking into account price (48%) and long-term investment potential (23%).
Other factors such as an attractive location (29%), good council tax banding (17%), the property being move-in ready (16%), and inside layout (16%), are all considerations.
Next property
A quarter (24%) said they would buy as an individual investor with a mortgage.
Only one in 10 said they will invest in their next property as a limited company with a mortgage, while 11% plan to purchase as a joint investor with a loan.
Three out of four (77%) of landlords said the rate of the mortgage available was an important factor for them.
It shows just how committed many landlords are to staying ahead of the curve.”
Chris Kirby of The Mortgage Lender, says: “It’s encouraging to see that BTL landlords are continuing to adapt and shift their priorities, even though the Government postponed the planned introduction of Energy Efficiency standards for properties in the Private Rental Sector.
“It shows just how committed many landlords are to staying ahead of the curve and anticipating tenant expectations.”