Unusual block management app launches in Scotland with eyes on UK
Novoville is a multi-property block management platform that enables leaseholders to vote on repairs and maintenance via its app.
A new apartment block property management app for agents has launched in Scotland that enables leaseholders and landlords to vote on proposed works, with plans to to roll it out across the UK soon.
Novoville Shared Repairs enables homeowners and landlords, agents, property managers and councils to manage repairs and maintenance for properties within a multi-apartment development or block, easing communication between the buyers and repairs and maintenance contractors.
The app, which is run via an online management dashboard, is unusual because it enables in-app voting, ideal for blocks where leaseholders or freeholders in common need to canvassed on proposed repairs and maintenance work and sign off expenditure.
Novoville Shared Repairs is unusual because it has been initially developed with the support of Edinburgh City Council to help manage its huge stock of tenement blocks within the city.
But now property managers – or factors as they are called in Scotland – can use the app to hire ‘Trusted Traders’, take votes on remediation works from owners and pay for repairs and maintenance.
Government funding
Its developments is a result of the Scottish government’s CivTech funding programme and has the backing of Scotland Trusted Traders.
The app is live in Edinburgh with pilots planned with other Scottish councils soon and a UK roll-out also in the pipeline.
A trial in Edinburgh with several leading local factors is also under way.
“Instead of delayed meetings and decisions, all your clients can vote from the app, in seconds,” says spokesperson Louis Daillencourt (pictured)
And instead of complex billing mail-outs, Novoville keeps it digital; our app includes repair apportionment, a digital maintenance account for each tenement and the option to pay in-app.”
Read more about property management apps.