Zoopla launches ‘lettings advisory board’ packed with key industry faces
Chaired by senior Leaders Romans figure Michael Cook, the 11-strong group includes tech, agency, landlord and trade association figures.
Zoopla has taken a leaf out of Boomin’s playbook and set up Lettings Advisory Board as part of its plans to bring agents into the ‘heart of decision making’ at the portal.
It promises the group will be independent and will include leaders and influencers from across the sector including landlords and agents.
The group of 11 influential figures from estate agency, trade association and tech backgrounds will meet every three months to provide a cross-section of views from across the property lettings sector. The first gathering has already taken place, convening last Thursday, headed up by its chair, Michael Cook, National Lettings Managing Director at Leaders Romans Group.
The others members are (pictured in bold):
- Kevin Day, Head of Lettings (Central and South) Connells Group
- Eric Walker, Managing Director at Martin and Co (South & Scotland)
- Hannah Gretton, National Lettings Director of LSL Property Services plc
- John Paul, CEO of The Castledene Group and Director of Propertymark
- Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association
- Kristjan Byfield, Co-Founder of The Depositary and ‘base property specialists’
- Russell Humphrey, Founder of the Humphrey Group
- Ben Quiney, Chief Business Development Officer and Co-Founder of FocalAgent
Zoopla is represented by its Chief Commercial Officer Andy Marshall, who is also Vice-Chair of the board, and Richard Donnell, Research & Insight Director at the portal.
Chair Michael Cook (pictured) says: “We are excited to take an important step towards ensuring our industry better reflects those who work within it – which is what this board represents.
“The end goal will see greater customer collaboration through direct communication with our agents, who now have a dedicated and formal space for their voices, thoughts, and experiences to be heard. I am very proud to chair this group.”