Deadline for agents to join hybrid agency ‘class action’ group is midnight tonight

Contractors for Justice group will then begin preparing paperwork and securing a court date, its spokesman tells The Neg.

estate agents

Estate agents wishing to join the ‘group action’ seeking compensation from hybrid agencies have until midnight tonight to sign up to join the Contractors for Justice (C4J) initiative.

Launched nearly two months ago, its spokesperson says hundreds of former self-employed agents who have worked in a self-employed capacity for hybrid agencies have now joined – principally those who worked for Purplebricks and Yopa – but any stragglers must now decide whether to join the group now.

When the doors are closed to new applicants at midnight, lawyers at C4J will then being the process of preparing the way for the Group Litigation Order (GLO).

This will include gaining authority from the courts for the GLO, preparing correspondence, compiling the formal complaint documents, gaining disclosure permissions and securing an Employment Tribunal date for an initial hearing.

No win, no cost

C4J reminds those estate agents who may be considering a move to join the GLO that their claim will remain anonymous and that there will be no cost to them if the claim does not succeed.

But C4J will take a cut of any award should the GLO succeed.

The initial basis of the class action centres upon the non-payment of holiday pay which C4J says previous and current workers may be due if it is proven that they were in fact employed for the purposes of the legal definition.

The claim will also seek to recover the workplace pension contributions that potentially should have been made by the ‘employer’. The total of just these two elements is 12.07% of each year’s earnings for the former and up to 8% for the latter, plus interest.

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