Scrapping Section 21 evictions ‘biggest worry’ among landlords
Research by Zero Deposit shows that PRS landlords fear the loss of 'no fault' evictions the most.
Abolition of Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions presents the biggest challenge facing landlords in the New Year, a new survey shows.
Zero Deposit, the tenancy deposit platform, commissioned a survey of 1,042 landlords across England and Wales to gauge their thoughts on the year ahead.
The landlords were asked which of the proposed changes under the Renters (Reform) Bill they believed would prove the most difficult.
Ranked top
Scrapping of Section 21 evictions ranked top as the biggest potential challenge for landlords in 2024.
Limits to rental increases and changes to notice periods ranked second, while greater rights for tenants when it comes to owning pets placed third.
The Government has taken a proposal to abolish Section 21 out of the bill for the time being, while improvements to court processes to tackle acute delays are made.
Big majority
A big majority (89%) of landlords have between one and three properties within their buy-to-let portfolio, the research reveals.
Among other problems they listed, the cost of maintaining their portfolio ranked top.
Finding and retaining good quality tenants was also a top issue, along with higher interest rates for buy-to-let mortgages.
It’s seen as fundamental to protecting their property.”

Sam Reynolds, CEO at Zero Deposit, says: “It’s clear that the Rental Reform Bill and the abolition of Section 21 evictions, in particular, remain a concern for many landlords.
“It’s seen as fundamental to protecting their property when significant issues arise and with so many factors now working against them, many landlords have reached their tipping point and have exited the market.”
Meanwhile, a report by housing charity Safer Renting, reported in The Observer, shows that there were just 26 convictions for illegal evictions in England last year.
Section 21 evictions ban ‘delayed until after election’, MP claims