‘We aren’t paid enough and we’ll be off soon’ agents tell poll
A survey of property professionals reveals most believe they should be paid more, and are considering a move within a year.
Nearly seven out of 10 professionals working as estate agents and conveyancers believe they are underpaid.
And a massive 91% would consider moving jobs within 12 months, according to a survey by recruitment firm Ambitious Group.
Only 43% of property sector employees said they felt valued in the workplace, with 22% saying that they felt ‘highly valued’, which drops to 15% for more junior staff.
Out of all respondents, there was a total of 169 different job titles across the property, conveyancing, surveying and construction industries in England and Wales.
Senior estate agents
Almost all the staff were in more senior positions, with the most common job titles being branch manager, conveyancer, conveyancing executive, lettings manager, and property manager.
Of the total, 60% were from the property industry, 31% in conveyancing, 6% in construction and 3% in surveying.
The success of any organisation in the property sector is built upon attracting, retaining, and rewarding top talent.”
Estate agency salary data revealed that at board level the average pay is £72,200 pa; director or head of department the average salary is £54,428 pa; senior level it is £34,706 pa; management £35,145 pa; executive level £26,917 pa and junior level £22,947 pa.

Robin Tossell, MD at The Ambitious Group, says: “It is our firm belief that the success of any organisation in the property sector is built upon attracting, retaining, and rewarding top talent.”
The firm is a recruitment specialist to both the property and conveyancing sectors. Only a month ago it was discovered that estate agency were given the second lowest pay rises within the UK workforce.