Winkworth defends itself ahead of ‘day of action’ by renters union in London
A tenants’ union demanding rent controls in the capital similar to those already operating in Scotland has now threatened two top estate agency firms with action on December 3.
Winkworth has released a statement after a tenants’ union demanding rent controls in the Capital similar to those already operating in Scotland threatened to target the firm, along with Foxtons, on December 3.
London Renters Union (LRU) blames estate agents for current rent increases and piling misery on thousands already feeling the pinch.
The Neg revealed earlier this month that LRU was planning to name and shame the estate agents and landlords that they claim are using “the current crisis as an excuse to boost profits and squeeze renters”.
“We’re going to show that renters are united and we’re fighting for a #RentFreeze now,” they said.
LRU believes that the London housing market is ‘rigged’ and stacked in favour of landlords and investors who profit at their expense.
And now The Neg can reveal that activists in East London with target Winkworth in Tower Hamlets and branches of Foxtons in both Hackney and Newham who LRU claim have “raked in £29 million in letting revenue between July and September this year, marking almost 20 per cent more than during the same quarter in 2021.”
Meanwhile LRU Lewisham, the only South London branch of the organisation but also represents other areas, are co-ordinating a protest in Crystal Palace.
It is not known what specific actions the activists will take.
The Neg reported yesterday that London Mayor Sadiq Khan has urged the government to come good on its promise to roll out a National Rogue Landlord Database after figures revealed the capital’s checkers have been viewed 128,000 times in the last year alone.
Foxtons has not responded to The Neg’s requests, but Winkworth has said that: “The acute shortage of homes for private rent and the subsequent rises in rent, as demand outstrips supply, needs to be addressed urgently by the Government.
“Winkworth, along with the rest of our industry, has been highlighting the problem for some considerable time. The Government has continued to introduce new measures which are designed to discourage private landlords and, as a result, large numbers of landlords are leaving the sector.
“Meanwhile, the Government is not building enough homes for social rent to give people an alternative option. The Government needs to take immediate action that will result in more private homes for rent. It is vital that people can continue to rent a home and work in London and other major cities.”
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