Business tips

Advice and ideas from leading residential property experts aimed at estate and letting agents.

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    Safe haven – take shelter in lettings

    Richard Reed discovers that for many, lettings has turned out to be a port in a perfect storm. So why not acquire a lettings business?

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  • Features

    Surviving the virus – Part 3

    You’ve kept your business together through lockdown and now you’re dealing with the backlog. But what about your pipeline? Adam Walker offers some guidance.

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    WFH – it’s the new normal

    Working from home has been a novelty for many in the UK during lockdown, but it could be the way ahead, says Kerry Fawcett of Business Comparison.

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    Meetings in camera

    With agency offices locked, property people need to be able to communicate effectively online, says Simon Day, Toastmasters International

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    COVID-19 support

    Surviving the virus – Part 1

    In the first of a series on surviving the Coronavirus crisis and coming out with a stronger, more efficient business model, Adam Walker suggests a 10-point action plan.

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    Business recovery opportunities

    The recent recession, caused by the Brexit vote, had a huge impact on the value of many residential property assets – but it has created some very interesting opportunities.

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    Talking about lead generation

    How can I get more leads? It’s a question all estate agents ask themselves, and it’s never more relevant than in today’s crowded marketplace.

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    Agent review sites – reviewed!

    Agent review sites have become part and parcel of the agency business. You can live by them and die by them, says Andrea Kirkby. But what can you do about them?

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    Survival tips for small business owners

    We recently sold a business for husband and wife proprietors of a property lettings and management agency who told me that they had not had a single day off for thirty-two years! They took a mobile phone wherever they went and regardless of whether they were away on holiday, eating Christmas lunch or fast asleep in the small hours of the morning, they would dutifully answer every call and deal with whatever emergency there was immediately. One couple didn’t have a day off in 32 years. They sold up and had a holiday. Four weeks later, the husband died of a heart attack. They finally sold their business, took their first proper holiday for thirty-two years and enjoyed another four weeks of their retirement before the husband died from a massive heart attack. I feel sad about this story whenever I tell it. Take a break! So many of the business owners that I deal with believe that they have to be available 24/7. I believe that they are wrong about this and that the benefit of any extra money that they earn from working these extra hours will be far outweighed by the damage that they do to their…

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