Dezrez launches built in news and social media feed for agents

Dezrez has created a faster, simpler and more manageable way for agents to grow their social media accounts and keep up to date with the latest industry news, as Managing Director, Richard Price, explains.

social media dezrezWith more than 4.2 billion users of social media across the globe, it is vital that companies include social media marketing as part of their business strategy. With new tools available, communicating with your target audience doesn’t need to require a full marketing team either.

Unlike multi-branch agencies, many smaller agencies may not have the resource to compete with an extensive content team. However, with Rezi’s new built in, easy to view, news and content feature, this means that whatever size agency you have you’re able to access news updates as frequently as they are being published.

Through utilisation of third-party RSS feeds, we’ve been able to pull data into our system and produce a sleek, built-in access area where agents can view the latest news outlets published material and even add their preferred sites to their list.

Social media growth should be part of your business strategy

Social media is quickly becoming the top search space among internet users for discovering the latest news. Posting industry-related articles and news at a consistent rate, can help to boost engagement rates from followers and help to establish your business as a thought leader.

Being the first to reshare relevant news and blogs from top sites can also lead to increased post interaction, which in turn can lead to greater online visibility. If your target audience sees you as the go-to source for up-to-date news content, this can instil trust resulting in increased follower growth, with more people likely to share your news, refer you to others and drive traffic to your website.

Thought leadership wins more sales

Today’s generation is looking for more than brand pushing when choosing which company to interact with. Analysis of recent buyer trends has shown that the new buyer market are completing more research and turning to customer based review and social media sites to make decisions.

Social posting that includes thought leadership content, whether it be organically written or reposted content from a news outlet, gives consumers an idea of the type of business that you are. This type of communication also allows people to interact and network with you prior to sale, through posting comments and engaging with your posts. Many agencies use this type of comment thread interaction to share industry knowledge, drive traffic to their website and create ‘warm’ leads.

dezrez social media

Keep your team up to date with the latest industry and buyer news

Having access to up-to-date industry content is beneficial for employees within the organisation. Staying on top of industry news where trends move quickly and competitors move even quicker can sometimes feel difficult. With instant access to industry content, blogs, influencer guides and reports through our news feed feature, agents are discovering how fast and seamless social media posting can be. Rezi’s news feed has also proved invaluable with it’s one stop shop news area and automated posting with Rezi Premium.

How does Rezi’s news feature work?

Rezi’s news feed works by utilising RSS feeds. RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. It is an online feed that many companies use that contains details regarding the content that a site publishes.

Be the first to repost industry content

Within Rezi agents now have full access to a cusotmisable news tab, hosting their favourite news outlets and any additional websites that offer an RSS feed. With an interactive space within the software, agents can access up-to-date content where they can view the latest article headlines, the profile image and a summary of the full content. Each article thumbnail is clickable taking the user through to the content website to view the full article or blog written by that media outlet.

Brand building made faster, simpler and more manageable

Rezi Premium agents are also able to post this content directly to their social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc straight from the actions tab within Rezi. This has revolutionized the speed at which agents can post hot industry content to share with their followers and attract new business.

Click here for a Rezi Premium demo today.

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