Charlotte Flake

  • FeaturesDeposit protection image
    Products & Services

    Safe as houses

    Tenant deposits used to be pretty straightforward –looking after a pile of cash – but these days there is a lot more to it, as Charlotte Flake explains.

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  • FeaturesWebsite content strategy image

    The word on the street

    Making your agency’s voice heard is a challenge, says Charlotte Flake, but having a carefully curated content strategy can bring discoverability, brand loyalty and lead generation.

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  • Products & ServicesWebsite image
    Products & Services

    Optimising opportunities

    Charlotte Flake asks some leading website experts, is your agency’s digital presence powerful enough?

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  • AuctionsLink to Auctions feature

    How to sell a lot

    Only a few years ago, auctions were seen as a last resort to shift a difficult property or make a quick sale where needed. All that has changed, as Charlotte Flake discovered.

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  • Business tipsBusiness Transfer feature
    Business tips

    Where’s the exit?

    Pandemic aside, 2021 may well go down as the year of acquisitions and business sales, says Charlotte Flake – and you may be in a sellers’ market.

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  • Agencies & PeopleLink to Franchising feature
    Agencies & People

    Family values

    The property sector is changing – on that, almost all sector professionals will probably agree. However, it seems that the industry franchises are leading the way in not only providing estate agents with a lower risk, higher return business model to follow, but one that is increasingly less rigid than before. Property franchises in their traditional form have been around for decades, there is no longer a one size fits all model. In fact, there are so many variations of a property franchise that even we are hard pressed to find they key differences. At one end of the scale, you have the likes of Belvoir, Century 21, Martin & Co and Hunters – historically traditional agents focused on having a strong high-street presence and attracting ambitious agents. These top-level management franchises also appeal to the more distant business owner types – people who might have little or no property experience but will benefit from an experienced team around them and, of course, the profits. At the other end of the scale, you have ‘officeless’ broker-style franchises, like Meyers and Moveli, which are less about having the awareness of the brand or a physical branch and more about personal profile.…

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