Michael Day completes one million step challenge for Diabetes UK

Michael Day fundraising imageAfter beginning a three-month challenge on July 1st, Michael Day has completed his one million steps challenge with a week to spare in support of Diabetes UK. His last challenge was the London Bridges Ten Mile Wellness Walk, which he embarked on with his daughter, Carrie, last month.

One million steps is the equivalent of around 500 miles and at one hundred steps per minute, Michael estimates that he has spent around 167 hours walking. That’s equivalent to seven, 24-hour days, during the period.

Michael’s aim was to get a little fitter as well as raise awareness of diabetes, which affects nearly five million people in the UK. Michael has been a type one diabetic for thirty five years and also successfully underwent triple heart bypass surgery in 2021.

More importantly, he wanted to raise £500 for the charity, but his efforts have raised over £3,000 so far and he is hoping that the final total will be even higher.

Michael said: “The one million step challenge has been amazing on so many different levels and I am proud of what I have achieved. I deliberately went very public about my plans as this ensured I stayed focused on the end goal. Like the best way of eating an elephant, I broke the one million steps down into bite size pieces and actually completed an average of just over 11,750 steps every day for eighty-five days.”

Michael’s fund raising continues until the end of October.

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