Frightfully impressive: Agents join in the with the Halloween spirit!

Both independents and big corporates alike have tapped into the spirit of ghoulish delight this year. Here's some of their efforts.


Halloween is just two days away and agents will be taking time out to trick or treat with their children this Saturday, hoping for some innocent but ghoulish fun knocking on doors.

But many will have also joined the Halloween frenzy with a revamp of their branch windows to celebrate this now regular annual event, festooning their displays with creatively carved pumpkins, witches, spiders and in the case of one agency – Scrivins in Hinkley, Leicestershire, where staff dressed up in skeletons.

Skeleton staff


And one national chain to have enthusiastically jumped on this bandwagon is upmarket Countrywide branch John D Wood, which has launched a campaign of tastefully designed images now displayed across its 45 branches in London and the Home Counties.

The branches will do a window display takeover of the spooky properties with addresses such as 13 Nevermore Place, HE11 or Grimrose Thrill, HE11  in place of real property details. “It’s a really eye catching campaign and a bit of light hearted fun for Halloween,” a company spokesperson said.

“John D Wood & Co. can take the fear out of moving with more than 145 years’ experience and a thorough understanding of the property market in their local area, with a full service solution from sales and lettings, to staff relocation services and interior consultancy.”

Batty approach


And Philip James Wilson in Heaton Moor, Manchester asked children from Norris Bank Primary School and Tithe Barn Primary School to design the spookiest house they could.

Drawn to be spooky



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