Too many of us are missing easy landlord leads, says estate agency boss
Nock Deighton chairman Mike Nettleton says his firm's data shows 9% of all property sales applicants are landlords.
A leading estate agency boss says he is surprised that so many estate agency sales teams still fail to pass on potential landlord leads to their lettings colleagues.
Mike Nettleton (pictured), Chairman of Shropshire and Worcestershire estate agency Nock Deighton, says his own firm’s data shows that 9% of all property buyers, when asked, self-identify as landlords.
“Despite this, I am amazed that you see many agents on forums asking how to get landlord leads, or complaining that landlords are very hard to find when a significant portion of the properties they sell are potential new landlord customers,” he says.
“After so many years of sales and lettings coming closer together within estate agencies, it is amazing that the two disciplines remain in their separate silos.”
The 9% figure quoted by Nettleton comes from the company’s own lead management tool Agents Response, which pre-qualifies both sales and lettings portal leads for its busy negotiators.
Managed book
“At Nock Deighton, we have worked hard on the culture of the business and reinforcing the importance of successfully growing our managed book,” he adds. “As I’m sure most agents are aware, a company’s values is much easier to ascertain from this than from its sales activities.
“We use our Agent Response tech to ask the simple questions of every sales applicant and there are rich pickings for mortgage, conveyancing, and relocation leads. Asking if they are currently a landlord is simply the cherry on the cake.
“As an industry, we are notorious for not making the most of one of our most valuable assets, our databases. By combining simple lead nurture plans in combination with first-class customer service, Nock Deighton are unearthing more than 100 fresh landlord leads a month.”
Read more about portal lead generation.